The Commission for Race and Ethnic Disparities highlights importance of Family Hubs

Posted 1st April 2021

This government-commissioned study on race is the first to engage seriously with the family, finding that educational failure and crime required an upstream response ‘to family breakdown as one of the main reasons for poor outcomes.’ 

Earlier this week the Commission for Race and Ethnic Disparities published their final recommendations to the Government to eliminate or mitigate the reasons many disparities persist in education, employment, crime and policing and health.  

The Commission of 10 people drawn from a variety of fields spanning science, education, economics, broadcasting, medicine, and policing and all, with one exception, from ethnic minority backgrounds were tasked to consider the evidence and data behind these race and ethnic disparities.  

Their 24-point plan for change recognised that entrenched and persistent disparities in education outcomes between disadvantaged pupils and their peers require the DfE to adopt a more holistic definition of need. They should not limit funding to school-based initiatives but go wider and direct resources to strengthen families. ‘The Commission acknowledges the need for more imaginative support for families: investing in community support, expanding Family Hubs and providing services to improve family resilience and good parenting.’

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