Family Hubs: Designing Outcome Frameworks webinar – Wednesday 19th May 2021

Posted 13th May 2021

The Family Hubs Network is hosting a webinar on Designing Outcome Frameworks, on Wednesday 19th May, 2-3.30pm.  All those interested in Family Hubs are warmly invited to attend. 

Many members of the Network, who are considering, developing or operating a Family Hubs model, are eager to discuss outcome frameworks for measuring the effectiveness of their work because there is as yet no central government guidance available.  Good system design, ideally, starts with identifying intended outcomes and ways of measuring and reporting on these, and many FHN members have indicated that they would benefit from insights into how other local authorities are approaching this. 

This event is an opportunity to be involved in the co-production of guidance and template outcomes frameworks, which Family Hubs Network will make available to all. At the webinar, representatives from several local authorities will take part in a set of short presentations which explore stages of the process involved in creating an outcomes framework. This will be followed by discussion and attendees will be able to submit questions.  

Please register to attend the Designing Outcome Frameworks webinar by To register, access the Zoom link and submit a question for the Q&A, please click this link to register

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